Season 10 Artists

Ahad Nayani

Aahad Nayani

Drummer and music enthusiast, Aahad Nayani was born and raised in Karachi; and although he got no formal education in drumming, his father remained a vital source of knowledge for the primary skills. In 2010, Nayani was introduced as Strings’ new drummer with whom he has internationally toured extensively across the world. Nayani has a unique sense of rhythm that allows him to adapt to each song in Coke Studio. From progressive rock to desi dhol, Nayani has it mastered. In a short time, Nayani has become one of the most coveted drummers in the country and has been associated with the likes of Coke Studio, Sounds of Kolachi, Umair Jaswal, Shuja Haider and a multitude of phenomenal acts.

Continuing to keep everyone's pocket’s tight and staying true to the groove – Aahad Nayani returns to Coke Studio, Season 10 for his fourth appearance.